

                I feel a flurry of excitement, in spite of the approach of the end in regards to the two week vacation our school had the pleasure of participating in. I presume it comes with actually engaging in conversation with others or activities that I absolutely enjoy, but it still surprises me somewhat that my tune is still fairly merry.

I’ll make it short and quick, my Christmas was spent rather successfully and I attained a modest amount of gifts from drowsily contented family members. The party wasn’t much of a party, just a small get-together assembled by my cousins and aunts and one or two of my elusive uncles. Thankfully the headache that is unlocked during every family reunion was subdued by my being able to take an entirely necessary midday nap. Nothing of genuine importance occurred afterward or in-between that needs to be mentioned. I am a little proud of myself for not hiding in my room as I’ve done in years past. New Years Eve was spent in a different way however since, on the Eve I was actually invited to spend the night with a friend. I’d had no time to hold any reservations about it, but I really did enjoy myself and am thankful to have such thoughtful individuals in my life.

                As you may have guessed I’ve become somewhat prose-y with this post. I was the same for the last post which, frankly, was undeserving of its robust and senseless title. Another little tidbit about myself surfaces now in that I spend much of my time writing while listening to music and songs that I really enjoy tend to take up my thoughts. Sometimes even simple one-sentence lyrics can just pulse inside of my brain and bring up images or scenarios so often that I cannot help but include what I feel or see into what I’m doing. Even when there’s no reason at all for the odd placement of it.

                Still, I think it’s best if I try to maintain this whimsy writing habit for a time. It may help me improve my writing and bring out my voice, my style, that flare of life that has, so far, been quite lugubrious in these posts. I’ve been aided in changing the dynamics (just a smidge) of my words by what I’ve been reading and I think that that’s fairly important for these blogs. To write well or even fine you should identify sources wherein the writing is exceptional, right? I would say so, it’s definitely helping me creatively.

I wish I could share with you what I’ve been reading… SO MUCH!