Going Down in Flames

The hunt for scholarships has become dire and I’m losing hope fast. It doesn’t help when the majority of my time this evening has been taken up with reading the stories of students that have taken tremendous loans for college and are now in deep, deep, deep, deep, deep… debt. 

It looks and sounds exactly like indentured servitude to me. 

My good mood is now being stunted by this absolute fact and by the future five and a half months of school still left to attend and excel at. The stories I’ve been reading have yet to be updated, although I don’t blame the author since she is, most likely, detained by life outside of prose. There’s another thing that bothers me about school continuance, that whenever I need to really get down to business on homework and the like I always feel like I should be doing something more akin to my desires like writing or reading or practicing some hobby to get really, really skilled at. 

I don’t know, life isn’t going that far at the moment. Although, I am glad we finished Othello despite already knowing how Shakespeare loves his tragedies and wouldn’t have allowed for a happy ending where Desdemona and Othello were concerned, nor a happy ending for any other character as well. I’m hoping to turn in the book tomorrow along with Paper Towns, a book that I, unexpectedly, did not enjoy as much as I thought I would. Still, perhaps finding new books to explore will make me lighten up considerably for the next week or so as I try to, likewise, figure out my increasingly hectic schedule. 

Of course I’ve got backup plans for some minute happiness. As of now I’m listening to a combination of venting music (A La Nine Inch Nails/Arctic Monkeys) and nostalgic soundtracks from my youth – 10 Things I Hate About You soundtrack, anyone? That always helps the stress lessen a degree or two and allows for me to get my bearings.